Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Helo hello!

Mike got his Helo and it is now pumping out stats like we cannot believe!  EKG...steps....BP....heart rate......mood......

Big plus!  Looks great!

If you have iphone and can't figure out the app install, contact me or Mike and we'll refer you to Chad and Nattida's excellent SHORT video showing exactly what to do!

(Android?  Piece of cake.)

Image result for chad chong
Chad and Nattida

Friday, November 25, 2016

SUPER-DUPER simple Helo team building plan

Greetings, Healthy Lifestyle Oracle-Citizens!

We love Rabu and Jeremy's SUPER-DUPER simple Helo team building plan.  Get 2 who get 2 and so on.  How does that tvc pay plan stack up?  Here's Rabu's awesome slide --- from his webinar.  

(Rabu does a KILLER webinar :  get your 2 on the next one.  They are usually done in 3's ... 6, 7 and 8 pm for example... so you and 2 get on the 6pm one and they get their 2 for the 7 and they all get their 2 for 8pm --- and you've got a great team already!)

HELO 2 who get 2 tvc income planner:

Remember, every referrer receives Fast Sale commission on those -- this slide is team overrides only.


We also LOVE Rabu's Comfort Zone action plan for referring Helo to others;  here it is: 

Have you referred Helo?  Have you checked your worldgn back office?  You may have funds in there ready to pay out.  We do!  Let me or your referrer know if you need help with your back office.

Much as we love our Helos, we might as well get paid to refer!


Personal message from Helo Team Hollywood's Brian Pugh: 

More helpful links here.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Helo Blog

Welcome to Helo Universe blog, Team Hollywood style! 

Everything in one place page, click here.

Flyers: Next, a few items to assist your fast start:  check out Jeremy's grand-slam training below.

Next, links to help your biz:

www.teamworldchangers.com  Getting started pdf... plus more!

www.cnworldgn.com   Chad and Nattida's website with downloads

www.worldgnmarketing.com     Landing page, autoresponder, flyers, etc.

Join our team Facebook group @