Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Helo Testimonials

Helo Testimonials:

Testimonials are coming in about Helo.

Does your wearable device sound an alarm when your vitals are abnormal? Helo does.
"HELO ~~~ Between Life and Death 
August 14 · 2016
A great testimony by Dr. Philip Loh
If you have noticed I have gone off radar for the past two days, I was admitted to the hospital for heart attacked, and I want to share my experience with you.
On Friday morning, I was not feeling well, I took an ECG reading on my HELO at close to noon time, the reading said "Abnormal". I wasn't putting much attention to it as I thought it was due to the heavy work and stress for the past few days that caused the reading to abnormal.
At about 2pm, I began to feel uncomfortable, I took another reading, and I noticed this time not only my ECG said "Abnormal" but my blood pressure has gone up and my heart rate was at 130.
I called my fiancée to immediately send me to the closest hospital, at the emergency gate, I collapsed. I was treated immediately and doctor and nurses managed to revive me. However, the hospital does not have any heart specialist, so I was transferred by ambulance to the hospital that had my medical records.
At the hospital, the heart specialist came to me after all the ECG and blood test, he told me I was lucky to came in on time, any minute later would have been in very dangerous situation.

When I took my first ECG reading on my HELO with the result of "Abnormal", I should have just drop whatever I was doing and went for medical check up, rather to wait until I took the second reading. That I might not even have to be admitted and being treated as out patient.
To those of you who are wearing your HELO, please do your regular ECG check and most importantly, TRUST YOUR HELO!"

Tatiana Pugacheva
Helo is a great device
My friends, partners, welcome. I’m lying in the 1st city hospital of the city of Novosibirsk in the cardiology department. Thanks to our Helo for saving me!

2 months ago, I noticed my HELO showed my ECG as being abnormal., Although I felt tine, I decided to go get an ECG, and after telling them, they sent me directly to a physician. He immediately called an ambulance, and they took me to a cardiologist.
Now, my heart rhythm is back to normal, and the doctors compared their ECG, pulse, and blood pressure mesasurements to my HELO and it was 99.9% accurate. They said I’m lucky to be alive.

Before this incident, I treated HELO only as a fitness tracker, and now I know that was a mistake.


Tina Embrey Tilton
I love my early warning system
While attending a religious conference. I started having jabbing heart pains. I immediately looked at my HELO and the ECG reading showed me having an arrhythmia. I went to first aid where a volunteer EMT took my blood pressure at 145/100 and my pulse was 140, which are both very high for me. I showed the staff my list of normal readings from my HELO. They sent me to the closest hospital where they did a variety of tests. I checked out with a clear heart but I had strained my chest muscles and spasms in my upper abdomen and it caused the symptoms. Nitroglycerin actually eased the spasms so my heart is good and I love my early warning system and peace of mind my HELO gave me. 

Having the stored list of previous numbers on hand saved alot of time and there was no need to wait for my medical records history.


Dmitriy Miroshnikov
My Blood Pressure is now normal
My name is Dmitry Miroshnikov. When I started wearing my HELO, I was surprised to learn that my blood pressure was 142/80.
Thanks to HELO, it dropped to 120/80 without medication. I now sleep better too.


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