Friday, February 24, 2017

Soft Launch Call In Center!

FINALLY the time has come! WORLD is officially having a SOFT LAUNCH for their Customer Service. Key Word: SOFT launch.

Although they have certain limitations on what they currently can perform (while they finalize training and their IT back end), WORLD wants to open their lines to TALK TO YOU! They want YOU to know they are HERE FOR YOU! So call away! But PLEASE keep in mind this is a SOFT LAUNCH! Have the right expectations and know that everything will be up and running shortly. Also please keep in mind that pretty much everyone will be calling in now, so delays or wait time should be expected in the beginning :) But for now, enjoy getting to know our Customer Service WORLD Changers :)

The OFFICIAL OPENING of customer service will be within the next few weeks. It will function at 100% full speed shortly. Thank you SO MUCH for your continued patience. Now we can all CELEBRATE!!!!!

Monday - Friday 7am-7pm MST

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Jeremy Roma's newest text script:  My newest text script:

"Bro, have you seen this new wearable technology yet? Fox news said it's one of the top 5 products for 2017. We are bringing it to the US, and I'd love your feedback."


Milestone met by Rabu Gary:

Personal Milestone... 200 people have personally joined me in WOR(l)D....
My method to this AMAZING Madness!!
1. Excitement.. "I am over the top about WOR(l)D"
2. Courage.. "I am Not scared to talk to anyone about WOR(l)D"
3. Belief.. "I do not have any doubts about WOR(l)D"
4. Love... "I want everyone to win in WOR(l)D"

Lastly our systems work!!! However, they won't work if you don't work them. &


Wednesday night Team Training recorded!  Watch here:


Anybody seen Brian?

Never get tired of seeing these. #HeloLife    Brian Pugh

Monday, February 20, 2017

More Than 200,000 HELO Units

From Business for Home Magazine:

WOR(l)D Global Network Sells More Than 200,000 HELO Units

by Ted Nuyten on February 19, 2017
Fabio Galdi, CEO, World Global Network
According to a WOR(l)D Global Network press release:

Helo Classic has sold more than 200.000 units in few months and there are thousands and thousands of happy customers that are improving their lifestyle with… the technology.
Network marketing is changing: Technology is the new frontier.
When you’re an IT pioneer, the biggest challenge is to find new roads to innovate. It’s not an obsession but the will to find better paths available to improve the world around us. The Project HELO was a unique opportunity for WOR(l)D to put in place a new way of understanding wellness, without the common borders we were used to.
HELO has become a real movement, within which the words Life Sensing Technology find fulfillment. The secret is sharing, the sharing of a single project for a common well-being, achieved through research and technology.
Their data will be used to improve REALLY the world, thanks to research, development, studies, sharing targets. How do we take a further step forward in this? How do we reach even more ambitious shared goals? All this can only improve if it is even more brave, raising the bar even further.
For this reason, today, with the arrival of HELO LX, HELO Project begins its journey to becoming open. What does it mean?
It means that all developers and programmers will have access to the specifications of our wellness band to write plugins for our App and extend the features of HELO. It means possibly even connecting our HELO to your treadmill or a smart balance.
Our OpenAPI provides the coders all they need to even write their own App, increasing the supply and multiplying the benefits. OpenAPI allows direct access to the raw data of our bio-sensor. For the first time ever, a wellness band has thought about wellness with developers in mind, as an active part of the community.
Once you have created your App or your plugin, any developer can send it to the dedicated HELO App Store, the place to search for plugins for fitness, health, diet, training and so on. What HELO doesn’t perform today, it will perform tomorrow, all thanks to you.
HELO is a complete project, which brings user benefits, business benefits, and benefits for developers. It’s a truly memorable moment: you will see the app grow every day, with new features, new capabilities, new measurements, and new possibilities.
You determine the success of a plugin or an app for your HELO. You will drive the development by requesting new features and tracking the future. Well-being is such only if it’s shared. In addition, with OpenApi Business, also a new business opportunity is on the way, for all the developers and the members that everyday will promote HELO and its apps and plugins.
This is a real new economy that creates opportunities in the Digital Marketing. Maybe, this is the Digital Network Marketing.
About WOR(l)D GN
With a Headquarter in MIAMI, USA, WOR(l)D stands apart as a leader in the global markets of media, mobile and wearable technologies. In the 15 offices distributed in all the continents, WOR(l)D is employing the brightest minds and best professionals, constantly investing in great ideas and highly motivated people. Every WOR(l)D product reflects its passion for research, innovation and environmental responsibility.
WOR(l)D is a recognized as a leading player in the drive towards a more economically stable, socially connected world. Leveraging a new business paradigm, WOR(l)D seeks to transcend every social and economic boundary. Using innovative products and a proven, direct selling business model wor(l)d is helping people around the globe to transform their lives—and their livelihoods.
For more information please visit 

Monday, February 13, 2017

Scoop on some of the Helo technology

Got a Technical question from someone about "how does the Helo work?"

Here's the scoop on some of the Helo technology:

Photoplethysmography (PPG)

By Susha Cheriyedath, MSc

Photoplethysmography (PPG) is a simple optical technique used to detect volumetric changes in blood in peripheral circulation. It is a low cost and non-invasive method that makes measurements at the surface of the skin.
The technique provides valuable information related to our cardiovascular system. Recent advances in technology has revived interest in this technique, which is widely used in clinical physiological measurement and monitoring.
Principle of PPG
PPG makes uses of low-intensity infrared (IR) light. When light travels through biological tissues it is absorbed by bones, skin pigments and both venous and arterial blood.
Since light is more strongly absorbed by blood than the surrounding tissues, the changes in blood flow can be detected by PPG sensors as changes in the intensity of light.
The voltage signal from PPG is proportional to the quantity of blood flowing through the blood vessels. Even small changes in blood volume can be detected using this method, though it cannot be used to quantify the amount of blood.
A PPG signal has several components including volumetric changes in arterial blood which is associated with cardiac activity, variations in venous blood volume which modulates the PPG signal, a DC component showing the tissues’ optical property and subtle energy changes in the body.
Some major factors affecting the recordings from the PPG are site of measurement and the contact force between the site and the sensor.

Blood flow variations mostly occur in the arteries and not in the veins.
The PPG Waveform
PPG shows the blood flow changes as a waveform with the help of a bar or a graph. The waveform has an alternating current (AC) component and a direct current (DC) component.
The AC component corresponds to variations in blood volume in syncronization with the heart beat. The DC component arises from the optical signals reflected or transmitted by the tissues and is determined by the tissue structure as well as venous and arterial blood volumes.
The DC component shows minor changes with respiration. The basic frequency of the AC component varies with the heart rate and is superimposed on the DC baseline.
Uses of PPG
Medical devices based on PPG technology are widely used in various applications in the clinical set up.
Specific applications include the following:
Clinical physiological monitoring
Blood oxygen saturation
Blood pressure
Cardiac output
Heart rate
Vascular assessment
Arterial disease
Arterial compliance and ageing
Venous assessment
Endothelial function
Microvascular blood flow
Vasospastic conditions
Autonomic function monitoring
Vasomotor function and thermoregulation  
Blood pressure and heart rate variability
Other cardiovascular variability assessments
Wearable Devices
Using this technology, wearable pulse rate monitors have been developed. These low-cost and small devices have high-intensity green light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and photodetectors that help reliable monitoring of the pulse rate in a non-invasive manner.
Important design requirements for these systems include miniaturization, robustness and user-friendliness.

These devices have a sensor that monitors minor variations in the intensity of light transmitted through or reflected from the tissue. These intensity changes are associated with changes in blood flow through the tissue and provide vital cardiovascular information such as the pulse rate.
Other Systems
PPG has been used in other technologies such as telemedicine, PPG imaging technology and remote monitoring.
Researchers have studied skin blood flow and the related rhythms using a near infrared CCD PPG imaging system. This study aimed at obtaining fresh insights into biological tissue perfusion and studying changes associated with wound healing and formation of ulcers.
Other studies have applied PPG in remote imaging of the distribution of arterial oxygen saturation (SpO2) within a tissue. Such an image might be valuable in medical diagnostics studies such as quantification of tissue viability. In telemedicine, PPG is promising in remote monitoring of patients’ health.

Reviewed by Yolanda Smith, BPharm


Bet that'll shut them up!

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

WorldGN Helo wearers-and-sharers

Greetings!  Just back from an awesome time in Viet Nam -- a fantastic country to visit.  We loved it and managed to share Helo with folks as we were touring around Hanoi.  Two great young women in particular were eager for more info and will be following up with them.

CONGRATS to all the new WorldGN Helo wearers-and-sharers!  Somebody has been busy while we've been gone.  Thanks, Brian and Michael and Melinda and the Hollywood Helo gang for being such an incredible resource to everyone!

If you aren't part of the Facebook group, let Barb know so you can be added --- don't miss a single event or news item from the team!

H E L O!